Is there a connection between high blood pressure and stroke?
Is there a significant connection between high blood pressure and stroke? There is much evidence that supports that there is a connection between the two. This article will talk about high blood pressure and stroke, and how these two conditions are related. If you know anyone who may need help, you can fill out this contact form.
Is there a significant connection between high blood pressure and stroke? There is much evidence that supports that there is a connection between the two. This article will talk about high blood pressure and stroke, and how these two conditions are related. If you know anyone who may need help, you can fill out this contact form.
What is a stroke?
A stroke happens when the flow of blood and oxygen suddenly gets cut off, and the brain is not able to get the necessary amount of blood and oxygen. When this happens, the brain starts to die. Since the brain is in charge of all motor function, both voluntary and involuntary, if a stroke occurs, it can cause a disruption in how a person thinks and responds.
The effects of a stroke cannot be reversed. However, if a person reaches a medical facility and is able to get medical attention, the effects of the stroke can be stopped before they can do any more damage to the brain.
What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is a medical condition that damages the arteries throughout the body and in the brain. High blood pressure can damage the arteries by creating conditions where the blood will clot more easily, obstructing the arteries and constricting blood flow.
If the artery is compromised, and the blood flow is slowed down or constricted, there can be many bad effects to the body. Organs will cease to function as they should and this can leave a person feeling ill.
The connection between high blood pressure and stroke
There is a connection between high blood pressure and stroke. This is because the important arteries in the brain can become blocked and constricted if a person has high blood pressure. Since the effect of having high blood pressure on a person manifests in the arteries being blocked, it can have an effect on the arteries in the brain as well.
If a person has high blood pressure that is untreated, the medical condition may do damage to the arteries in the brain. This may cause the constriction of blood flow into the brain, causing the person to suffer from a stroke. In a nutshell, this is how a person having high blood pressure can give them more of a risk factor of having a stroke.
What are the causes of a stroke? Are there warning signs?
There are no definite causes of strokes, and they can strike unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there are no warning signs that can tell us if a person is about to have a stroke. The warning signs that we have to be wary of are the signs that a person is already experiencing the stroke. Knowing these warning signs could lower the risk factor for a person, because often, it is the family who live with them that can help take them to a hospital to receive medical attention.
Sudden dizziness, slurred speech, limited motion on one side of the body are all signs of stroke. If you or someone you love has these symptoms, it is important that they get medical attention straight away.
How to prevent strokes
There are certain methods that a person can do to make sure that their high blood pressure does heighten their risk factor for having a stroke.
- Get diagnosed for high blood pressure
If you have symptoms or have a family history of high blood pressure, it is important to see a doctor to get diagnosed or rule out the medical condition.
- Manage your high blood pressure
If your doctor has already diagnosed you with high blood pressure, there are blood pressure control medicines that exist to help a person manage their symptoms and keep their blood pressure at a normal level. Blood pressure control medication is prescribed by a doctor, and has to be taken to ensure that they work effectively.
There are also certain food to be avoided to ensure that proper blood pressure control can be exercised. Eating too much meat can trigger the blood pressure to spike, this is why doctors recommend that people exercise caution when they eat, so that proper blood pressure control can happen while they eat.
- Go in for regular check ups
Regular check ups can help doctors monitor if there are changes in your blood pressure and if you need to take medications to help you manage it. Regular check ups can help a doctor know if you are doing the right blood pressure control methods to keep you healthy.
At present, there are already electronic blood pressure monitoring devices that can help a person take their own blood pressure. However, these are not as accurate as the old fashioned blood pressure devices, so if you have a family member that can help take your blood pressure for you, it would be better.
Monitor your blood pressure regularly, and see if there are any spikes or changes. Contact your doctor if your blood pressure is too high, and make sure that you always have your medicines updated.
Final thoughts
If you have high blood pressure, it is still possible to keep yourself safe from strokes. Although there is a link between high blood pressure and strokes, if a person practices good blood pressure control habits, takes their medicines and makes sure that they are still working to help you manage your blood pressure.
Keep in mind that if you are able to successfully manage your blood pressure, it will not be too high anymore. This will put you at less risk of having a stroke because your blood vessels and arteries will not be at risk of getting blocked. The risk factor of having strokes will be lowered if one is able to keep their blood pressure levels in control.