Stroke doctor: Who he is and what he can do
If we are given the chance to enumerate our top 5 least wanted medical conditions that we could have, I am very sure that stroke is part of the list. This neurologic condition betrays the body when you least expect it, and its effect may be as mild as dizziness and blackout, or as extreme as the cause of death for many unfortunate patients. In fact, stroke is the second leading cause of mortality in 2016 according to the World Health Organization. Let us find out what stroke is, how it develops, its usual signs and symptoms, and what a stroke doctor can do for you.

If we are given the chance to enumerate our top 5 least wanted medical conditions that we could have, I am very sure that stroke is part of the list. This neurologic condition betrays the body when you least expect it, and its effect may be as mild as dizziness and blackout, or as extreme as the cause of death for many unfortunate patients. In fact, stroke is the second leading cause of mortality in 2016 according to the World Health Organization. Let us find out what stroke is, how it develops, its usual signs and symptoms, and what a stroke doctor can do for you. If you are experiencing headaches that may or may not be a sure symptom of stroke, you can also read at when to call urgently for medical consultation or go directly to the nearest hospital for further evaluation and treatment.
What is a stroke?
Our body normally circulates blood to transport nutrients, antibodies, and oxygen to its different parts. If there is a clog, impingement, or excess pressure in the blood vessels of one part of the body, the normal function of the organs it supplies the blood with will malfunction and develop disorders. Such is the case of a stroke. This medical emergency is characterized by a faulty distribution of blood supply to the brain either by a block (ischemic stroke) or increased pressure that caused rupture and bleeding (hemorrhagic stroke). A stroke doctor should know which type of stroke a patient may have so he can address the condition directly and efficiently.
Symptoms of stroke
Like any other medical emergency, you can never determine when will you be struck by a stroke. Its effect on the body is instantaneous that mere minutes can save or end your life. However, there are common signs and symptoms stroke patients experience before their condition intensifies. Here are some of these indications that you should be vigilant about:
Slurred speech. Sometimes a patient continues to converse without realizing that his speech is becoming too difficult to understand. Confusion can also cause difficulty in speaking and using words to convey your thoughts.
Paralysis. This may affect one side of the body. If you feel your arm or leg feels heavier than the other, try raising both upper or lower extremities. If one side cannot be raised, you may be having an attack. Some also recognize numbness or drooping of one side of the face.
Blurring of vision. Stroke patients also notice problems with one or both eyes either with having blurred vision or experiencing blackouts.
Headache. This headache is unlike any other you have experienced and can be so intense that it causes you to become dizzy and loss of consciousness. Some patients tell their stroke doctor that it also caused them to vomit but the pain intensified.
Balance issues. Movement can also be affected. If you notice sluggish movement and balance issues, treat this as a medical emergency and call for the attention of a stroke doctor.
What can a stroke doctor do?
Neurologists are specialists who have mastered many cerebrovascular conditions and how to treat them. A subspecialty called vascular neurology specifically tackles stroke, its causes, manifestations, and treatment, and this area is where stroke doctors are experts. A stroke doctor not only treats stroke patients, he also identifies patients who may be at risk in developing a stroke so that preventive measures can still be enforced. He also helps survivors of stroke on how they can cope and bring back their usual self after their serious medical ordeal.