How ENT surgery may cause stroke?
Do you know about stroke during ENT surgery? Yes, there is a risk of stroke during ear, nose and throat surgery. In this article, you will find out information about how the chances of stroke are raised during ear, nose and throat surgery.

Do you know about stroke during ENT surgery? Yes, there is a risk of stroke during ear, nose and throat surgery. In this article, you will find out information about how the chances of stroke are raised during ear, nose and throat surgery. Let us first understand stroke and ENT surgery by specialised ENT surgeon to understand the connection between them.
What is a stroke?
Our body needs a constant supply of oxygen and food. In our body, the blood carries oxygen and food to all the parts of the body. Oxygen and food are dissolved in the blood and flows to reach every part. Similarly, blood flows through the brain cells to provide oxygen and food to brain cells. If somehow there is a blood clot or any obstacle in the blood flow reaching the brain than that person suffers from a stroke.
What is ENT surgery?
ENT surgery is the surgery of Ear, Nose, and Throat. Taking the first letter from each organ it is said to be ENT.
The connection between ENT surgery and stroke
During the ear, nose and throat surgery, one of the main arteries is affected. It is the carotid artery. The carotid artery is the main blood vessel that carries blood to the head and neck. When surgery is being carried out ligation of the carotid artery is needed.
As a result, blood flow to the head and neck are reduced. So, the head receives less oxygen and blood. Hence, if the artery is blocked for too long, the brain cells can be deprived of oxygen and food.
In the end, this could cause a stroke for the patient. Hence the surgeons must keep it in mind, and complete the surgery as fast as possible. Long term surgery could threaten the life of the patient.
Since we know that our body cells cannot survive without food and oxygen. Our blood vessels make sure that our body cells are continually flooded with oxygen and nutrition. When an ear, nose and throat surgery is carried out, the surgeon must make sure that the surgery is completed within the given time. If not the result could be disastrous for the patient.