The Risk of Second Stroke

A stroke is a pathological condition in which reduced or diminished blood supply to brain results in cell death and if not treated may cause death of patient. It may be caused by either reduced blood flow or by blood loss due to bleeding. Stroke is not an untreatable condition but the risk of second stroke are greatly increased after the first one and increased stroke risk from anesthesia.

risk of second stroke

A stroke is a pathological condition in which reduced or diminished blood supply to brain results in cell death and if not treated may cause death of patient. It may be caused by either reduced blood flow or by blood loss due to bleeding. Stroke is not an untreatable condition but the risk of second stroke are greatly increased after the first one and increased stroke risk from anesthesia.

For this very reason the medical specialists continue to advise follow up checkups in order to check about the complications that can cause the re-attack. If luckily a person shows minimal complication for about 5 or 6 months the check ups are closed but still the risk is present for having reattack in 5 years or more. The chances for second stroke are upto 25-35 % during first 4 or 5 years and are increased to 40-45 % after 5 years of first attack. risk of second stroke

Life style and medical factors increase the likelyhood of having an attack of stroke. Being overweight, smoking, lack of physical activity, having drugs such as cocaine and over drinking of alcohol are the causes that result in abnormal medical state of the body. As a result blood pressure increases above normal 120/80 mm hg. Body glucose level is varied. Cholesterol level is greatly increased. These abnormalities cause narrowing and hardening of blood vessels which leads to a sometimes lethal condition called stroke.

To prevent this condition, its causes must be taken care of. Once the arteries are narrowed and hardened the chances to correct its complete pathology is almost impossible which is because the risk of second stroke is always present and also if the condition of vessels is worse a second stroke could be followed by a third, fourth and so on. So in order to avoid the risks there is need to uproot the cause of stroke and take precautionary measures to prevent it.

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