High blood pressure in teens-is it dangerous?
High blood pressure or hypertension has some serious effects on the body. If high blood pressure is not checked, then it could be fatal. Patients with high blood pressure are not eligible for cosmetic surgeries and outdoor activities without their doctor’s approval. Teens may develop high blood pressure. But it should never be ignored.

High blood pressure or hypertension has some serious effects on the body. If high blood pressure is not checked, then it could be fatal. Patients with high blood pressure are not eligible for cosmetic surgeries and outdoor activities without their doctor’s approval. Teens may develop high blood pressure. But it should never be ignored. The result of untreated high blood pressure might damage their body severely.
High Blood Pressure In Teens and Its effects
Heart Problem
High blood pressure means all the arteries in the heart go through a massive amount of pressure. Blood flows forcefully and the condition of the heart becomes weak. Continuous pressure on the heart is not good for teens. He/she may develop a weak heart and it increases the risk of cardiac arrest. Too much pressure on the heart may make a teen vulnerable to heart attacks.
Sexual Problems
A teen’s body passes through many changes. One of the most important change occurs in his/her sexual organs. Because of high blood pressure, a male teen may suffer from erectile dysfunction. As a result, his sexual life may not be perfect. In the case of girls, they may experience irregular menstrual cycles. This can change a teen girl’s behavior drastically.
Continuous Fatigue and Heart-Pounding
A teenager requires energy and physical fitness. Physical fitness is required to study and to live a normal life. But high blood pressure can cause fatigue. As a result, it would be hard for a teenager to concentrate on his/her studies. He/she would not enjoy his/her life. Moreover, high blood pressure will be a barrier between the teen and the success.
Apart from these effects, hypertension can damage eyes, kidneys and brain functions. With high blood pressure, a teen may never live a normal life. His/her organs will be damaged and his/her body will become weak. Unfortunately, all of these damages will happen slowly. So, the future of the teen will be doomed. Hence, high blood pressure in teens should never be ignored.