What Are The Things To Do If My Gums Bleed As I Brush Teeth?

You are probably wondering “why do my gums bleed as I brush teeth”? Bleeding gums is one of the symptoms of poor oral health. Most of the time, it indicates that gum disease is lurking in the mouth. If there is plaque build-up in the gums, it develops into gingivitis where irritation and swelling occurs. For cases like this, go to Our Dental Care’s clinic in Drummoyne and have yourself checked by experts.

man toothbrushing

You are probably wondering “why do my gums bleed as I brush teeth”? Bleeding gums is one of the symptoms of poor oral health. Most of the time, it indicates that gum disease is lurking in the mouth. If there is plaque build-up in the gums, it develops into gingivitis where irritation and swelling occurs. For cases like this, go to Our Dental Care’s clinic in Drummoyne and have yourself checked by experts.


Reasons Why My Gums Bleed As I Brush Teeth

Let us find out what are other bleeding causes and how it eventually evolves into periodontal disease. Your gums might bleed as you brush your teeth due to the following reasons:

  • gum inflammation or gingivitis
  • brushing harshly or using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • stating a flossing routine and your gums are still getting used to it
  • side effects of certain medications
  • gingivitis due to pregnancy
  • incorrect dental restorations


Bleeding Gums and Gingivitis

toothbrush and bleeding gumsOne of the best ways to prevent this from happening is by taking care of your oral health. Gingivitis is the result of plaque buildup right in the gum line. The bleeding happens while you brush your teeth because the gums are swollen and irritated by the plaque. Plaque can only be removed by a dentist so be sure to visit your doctor regularly. Practice proper oral care and use products with fluoride.


Periodontal Disease

When gingivitis is neglected, it could lead to a much serious gum disease called periodontal disease (periodontitis). This condition results in tooth loss as it damages the tissues in the gums as well as the bone that provides support to the teeth.

With periodontitis, the gum line slowly pulls away from the roots of the teeth due to inflammation. This is a process called gum recession which is also a common cause of bleeding gums. Because of periodontal disease, your gums will easily bleed, you will also notice that your teeth are starting to become loose. Aside from gums that bleed, other symptoms will also occur such as:

  • red or purple gums
  • tender gums when touched
  • oink stains in the toothbrush after brushing
  • bad breath
  • pus between the gums and teeth
  • chewing becomes painful
  • gaps are developing between teeth
  • teeth starting to look longer
  • changes in bite

If you notice that you are starting to have these symptoms, set an appointment with your dentist immediately. Go to https://sandstonepointdental.com.au/treatment-services/gum-disease-treatment-sandstone-point/ to get informed about the stages of gum disease.



Are you aware that bleeding gums is not also a sign of gum disease but of diabetes as well? Your oral health is the key factor in maintaining a healthy body. According to doctors, there is a possibility of diabetes if your gums bleed as you brush your teeth.

The relationship between gum disease and diabetes is simple. If you have diabetes, it gets hard for your mouth to combat bacteria and infections. Diabetes comes with very high levels of sugar, because of this, your body finds it hard to heal on its own, making the condition of gingivitis even worse.



One type of cancer is also being linked to bleeding gums, which is leukemia. Leukemia causes our blood platelets to drop. These blood platelets are important in stopping bleeding. Due to this, bleeding in different body parts, including the gums, becomes excessive.



Thrombocytopenia is the body’s inability to form blood clots. Blood clots are the ones that prevent bleeding. Having this condition will make it hard for your wounds to heal.


Lack of Vitamins

Vitamins help in keeping our body’s health at prime. For our oral health, Vitamins C and K are very important. Vitamin C helps in tissue growth and self-repair, it is essential in healing wounds and strengthening bones, including the teeth. Without it, bleeding and swollen gums could happen.

On the other note, Vitamin K helps in forming blood clots which could cause the gums to bleed.


The Risk of Stroke

Studies show that people with gingivitis and periodontal disease are more at risk of stroke. How does that happen? When the gum bleeds, the flow of blood and oxygen in the brain gets affected. Hence, risking the individual to stroke attack.

To prevent this, treating gum disease immediately is the best solution. It reduces the risk of tooth loss as well as stroke.


Gum Disease Risk Factors

The root cause of gum disease is plaque buildup. But the following factors contribute to the health of the gums as well:


Our health naturally deteriorates through age. As a matter of fact, a lot of patients with gum disease are older people.


Smoking has a lot of negative effects on the body most especially on oral health. It has been associated with heart and lung disease as well as cancer. Smokers are at high risk of getting gum disease because of the direct impact of inhaling tobacco in the mouth. In fact, it is considered the top cause of periodontal disease.


Studies also show that bleeding gums could be inherited through genetics. Even though you take care of your oral health, gum disease could still develop if most of the elderly in the family have it.


Stress is also a common factor that contributes to the development of gum disease. Due to stress, the body’s ability to fight infections gets affected which puts the individual at risk of periodontal disease.

Bruxism or teeth grindig

Bruxism is the involuntary teeth grinding that usually happens during sleep. People with bruxism also experience headache and jaw pain together with bleeding gums. It is also one of the reasons why a tooth could get damaged.


Treatment for Beeding Gums

smiling dentistThe best way to stop and treat bleeding gums is by giving your dentist a call. This is important for you to know the reason why your gums are bleeding.

Once you notice that your gums bleed as you brush your teeth, you may opt to consider some changes in your oral care habits. For example, switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush and ditch the old one that you are using.

Listed below are some of the ways for you to prevent bleeding:

  • Use gauze. If you have available gauze in your home, get some and place it on the bleeding gums. Gently hold it in place until the bleeding has subsided.
  • Ice pack. To reduce swelling, put an ice pack on top of the bleeding area. It can help soothe the pain immediately, dot this every 10 minutes until you feel better
  • Mouthwash. Mouthwash with fluoride should be a part of your oral care. This product fights off bacteria and prevents bleeding gums as well.
  • Saltwater rinse. Mix a cup of warm water a spoon of salt and gargle the solution. Salt is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties which help in fighting bacteria. This can be used daily.
  • Flossing gently. It’s important to take care of your oral health with precautions. Flossing harsh;y can irritate your gums and cause them to bleed.
  • Stop smoking. If the bleeding keeps on coming back, maybe it’s time for you to stay away from cigarettes in the meantime.
  • Avoid sugary or starchy foods. Sticky foods could easily get stuck between the teeth and gum line. If eating foods like these are inevitable, wash away the food particles by drinking water.

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