Exercise For Stroke Victim (How It Helps)

Physical therapy or rehabilitation is an essential step for the recovery of stroke victims. As stroke survivors have a high vulnerability of falling, they need to have someone who could assist them while performing the exercises. Exercises for stroke victims should be progressive and would need some help from exercise machines like an elliptical cross-trainer.

old man exercising with a therapist

Yes, exercise for stroke victim can be done at home and is a valuable but underutilised factor in their recovery. Physical activities for stroke victims can help in regaining their strength and    mobility. As experts have said, stroke survivors experience weakened physical ability and are unable to perform daily activities. Majority of the stroke survivors experience physical disability like the capacity to work, wash up, or even walk and talk. Thus, physical therapy or rehabilitation is an essential step for the recovery of stroke victims. As stroke survivors have a high vulnerability of falling, they need to have someone who could assist them while performing the exercises. Exercises for stroke victims should be progressive and would need some help from exercise machines like an elliptical cross-trainer.


Physical Disabilities that Stroke Survivors Might Suffer From

After a stroke, survivors are unable to do their usual daily routines as some of their abilities were impaired. Here are some of the physical limitations that stroke survivors might experience.

  • old man exercising on clinicAn individual who had a stroke will experience motor problems such as weakened muscles.
  • Victims of stroke can experience a decrease in endurance, stamina and fatigue.
  • Stroke survivors may experience pain in some parts of their body.
  • Stroke survivors may experience paralysis or lose the ability to feel—such inability of feeling temperature or light touch or the position and movement of their body.
  • Changes in the muscle tone of their body will be evident after some time.
  • Stroke victims might have some trouble in trying to make their body.


Benefits of Exercise For Stroke Victim

Stroke victims will reap some of these benefits if they incorporate regular exercise while recovering.

  • Exercises can help in regaining some of the natural and basic movements of their body. It will help them regain their ability to get out of bed, walk, dress up and wash.
  • Exercise can indirectly impact the psychology of stroke victims and will help them feel better about themselves.
  • The exercises performed by the stroke survivors could also help in reducing the chances of another stroke.


Various Exercise for Stroke victim

For full recovery of a stroke victim, the rehabilitation through physical exercises should be done after the survivor went out of the hospital as late intervention or physical rehab of a stroke victim will have a negative impact on him or her. Some specialised hospitals and clinics provide exercise programs designed to regain the victims’ strength, range of motion and coordination of their body. Further, each exercise is intended to condition the victim’s brain and body in specific ways. Physical exercise for stroke victim is recommended by experts in physical therapy. It is also essential to do these daily and with assistance for it to be successful. Here is some of the exercise for stroke victim that they can try at home. Visit chestpressmachine.com.au to see if this equipment is the right one for your situation.


Exercises for regaining shoulder and neck rotation

  • old woman exercising with a therapistBasic Level shoulder exercises: Tower Slide, Shoulder Shrug
  • Intermediate Level shoulder exercises: Tower Slide, External Rotation
  • Advanced Level shoulder exercises: Behind-the-Neck Cup Pass, Behind-the-Waist Cup Pass

Exercises to help in recovering arm and wrist movements

  • Basic Level shoulder exercises: Inner Arm Stretch, Wrist and Hand Stretch
  • Intermediate Level shoulder exercises: Elbow Stretch, Crawling Stretch
  • Advanced Level shoulder exercises: Elbow Weight Training, Finger Walk

Exercises that focus more on enhancing core muscles

  • Basic Level shoulder exercises: Pelvic Floor Contractions, Knee Rolling,
  • Intermediate Level shoulder exercises: Single Leg Bridging, Side-Lying Clams
  • Advanced Level shoulder exercises: Bridging with Arms Above Head, Bilateral Leg Cycling, Superman Pose

Exercises to regain standing and walking movements

  • Basic Level shoulder exercises: Assisted Lateral Leg Swings, “Inner Range Quad Movement”

Leg Raises

  • Intermediate Level shoulder exercises: Assisted Knee Raises, Wall Sits, Ski Squats – Wall Sits
  • Advanced Level shoulder exercises: Assisted Reverse Leg Swings, Bridging, Wall Sits

Exercises to regain stability and balance

  • Basic Level shoulder exercises: Heel Raises (Holding On), Side Stepping (Holding On)
  • Intermediate Level shoulder exercises: Heel Raises (Not Holding On), Side Stepping
  • Advanced Level shoulder exercises: Single Leg Standing, Backwards Walking


Physical disability is the most common and visible effects of stroke victims. Using exercise for stroke victimexercise for their recovery is the best way to performing again difficult movements for stroke victims that would be otherwise simple for those who have not suffered this debilitating disease. Further, exercise is the key to forcing some parts of the stroke victim’s brain from functioning and energising its neuro sensors again. Exercises could also help in easing the psychological effects most stroke patients feel since they are unable to perform even the most simple tasks. It will also be a gateway for the family members to show their support and encouragement by assisting stroke victims on their way to recovery. Physical intervention may not be able to regain the full motor and brain recovery for stroke patients, but it will ease their burden and will help them to live more comfortably.

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