Can I Get A Dental Treatment After Stroke? (Care For Stroke Patients)

Surviving a stroke attack can be considered a second chance at life. A stroke happens when there is oxygen, blood, and glucose interruption to the brain tissue. While stroke mostly happens to older adults, younger individuals can also be at risk of it. According to health experts, patients must wait for six months before getting dental treatment after stroke. After doing so, you may opt to book an appointment today at Available Dental Care Campbelltown.

stroke patient and dentist

Surviving a stroke attack can be considered a second chance at life. A stroke happens when there is oxygen, blood, and glucose interruption to the brain tissue. While stroke mostly happens to older adults, younger individuals can also be at risk of it. According to health experts, patients must wait for six months before getting dental treatment after stroke. After doing so, you may opt to book an appointment today at Available Dental Care Campbelltown.



Causes of Stroke

Let us briefly tackle the basics of stroke. According to data, stroke is the of the top causes of death worldwide. It is second on the list of the World Health Organization, following Ischaemic Heart Disease.

But why does it happen? Here’s why:

High blood pressure.
  • elderly strokeBlood pressure plays a crucial role in the occurrence of stroke. We may think that it’s just normal hypertension but beware as it may put you in life-threatening situations such as an Ischemic stroke.
Heart disease.
  • Most older adults experience a lot of health conditions that are linked with each other. For instance, those who have heart diseases are at a higher risk of getting stroke due to irregular heartbeat.
  • Tobacco has properties that can be addictive for some people. Excessive use of it can cause the blood pressure to go up. In addition, it also thickens the blood and causes a stroke attack.
  • Stroke patients who have high blood pressure are also often diagnosed with obesity. Obesity, on the other hand, has a solid connection with diabetes. Thus, making it one of the main causes of stroke.
  • As much as we hate to admit it, age plays a vital role in the existence of stroke. Our risk gets higher as we age, and it even doubles up once we reach the age of 55.
  • Almost all kinds of medicines have unpleasant side effects. Sadly, some of them even put you at risk of stroke. This is the reason why some stroke patients take multiple medications. Because apart from recovering from a stroke, they also have a health condition before its attack.
  • Stroke can be passed down through genes. If your older relatives experienced a stroke at least once in their life, chances are you might suffer the same fate later on in life. Contact your physician for ways to prevent it from happening.

 Patients should be monitored by an expert practitioner to ensure they can return to their daily routine. Patients might experience vision problems, headaches and other issues even long afte the incident.


Dental Treatment After Stroke

So there you are, happily recovering after a stroke attack, and your teeth suddenly act up. What would you do? As mentioned, a lot of dental treatments are not advisable within the six months period after your attack. So the best thing to do is to consult your dentist for effective toothache remedies.

After half a year, you can finally visit your dentist and get a treatment that is suitable for you. But because you have health complications, your dentist will need to consider a few things before providing you with quality service.

Here are the things to expect in getting a dental treatment after stroke:

senior dental treatmentYou will be asked to submit an updated health record from your general healthcare provider. Your records should indicate the type of stroke you recovered from, its severity, magnitude, effects, medication, and the treatments you underwent. 

The dentist will also consider your medication. If you are currently taking medicines, you will be asked to submit a copy of your prescription to your dentist. This is to prevent them from prescribing medication that might interfere with what you are currently taking.

If possible, You should also submit the names of your caregivers or your physician. This is to ensure that you, as a stroke patient, will get the safest and the best type of dental treatment.

Lastly, you will be asked to sign a waiver or a consent form. It will indicate the procedures that will be done to you and all the medication that the dentist will prescribe.



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