A Quick Overview Of Cerebellar Stroke Syndrome

It appears that in recent years, new and strange diseases have maliciously flooded our society. However, in some cases, the fact is that those illnesses came around since the beginning of humanity itself, but doctors couldn’t identify them as they should. That is the case of Cerebellar Stroke Syndrome. It is very important to have an annual general health check up to avoid or prevent this type of disease.
To understand what we are talking about, we need to know what it is, its symptoms and causes; to achieve that, it’s important to first focus on understanding what a syndrome is. A syndrome is defined as a series of different symptoms or physical conditions provoked by a particular cause, either known or unknown.
Having said that, the Cerebellar Stroke Syndrome refers to the particular consequences of inappropriate blood irrigation of the cerebellum. These symptoms include, in most cases:
– Headache
– Vertigo and,
– Instability of the trunk – causing difficulty to move or unwanted body movements.
Of course, by being a cerebral syndrome, everything about it is serious; as serious as the 23% mortality rate that cerebellum stroke has in general- mostly related to hemorrhage accidents where direct damage to the brain is mostly inevitable. This numbers can appear alarming, however, because cerebellum functions are centered on coordinate fine-motion in our bodies and some cognitive functions, the risk of immediate death – if properly detected – is not as high in obstruction-related strokes. It also helps that modern “scanning” technologies have taken a decisive role in the detection of this vascular malfunctions, preventing wrong diagnoses and encouraging a prompt treatment.
The treatment for Cerebellar Stroke is commonly canalized to regularize, if possible, the blood irrigation of this section of the brain. If the episode is related to an obstruction of the arteries by a blood clot in the circulatory system, thrombectomy – physical removal of this obstruction – can be an option; on the other hand, if that is not possible due to probable damage to the brain, treatment with an antiplatelet medication or anticoagulation therapy can help to reduce either the consequences of the obstruction or preventing future and extended damage to the cerebellum.
As there are currently not too many studies about it, for the moment, origins of this syndrome have been related to those of cerebral strokes: being high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis or any condition that might affect the regular flow of blood, its possible leading causes.